...the individual performers were excellent, with Morgan Balfour and Andrew Pardini as a charming and clever pair of newlyweds
Morgan Balfour brings instantaneous boldness and brains to the role of Susanna... (she) exudes much comedic flair with facial expressions that speak volumes. But more importantly, Morgan Balfour sings with a soprano voice beautifully lyrical that both heavenly floats as well as intones deep substance.
Her brief but powerful scene upbraiding her beloved was sung by soprano Morgan Balfour, whose crystal-clear tone conveyed a broad palette of emotional and vocal colors.
...die australische Sopranistin Morgan Balfour, die zusammen mit dem lyrischen Tenor Emanuel Tomljenovic ein Traumduo im Domine Deus bildete: zwei wunderbar timbrierte, biegsame Stimmen...
[...the Australian soprano Morgan Balfour, who together with the lyric tenor Emanuel Tomljenovic formed a dream duo in Domine Deus: two wonderfully timbred, flexible voices...]